The Crew - Miss Fabulous, Lil Bro, Big Sis and Mr. Man

Monday, April 13, 2009

1 Corinthians 10:13

1 Corinthians 10:13, "No temptation has taken you except what is common to men. But God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out in order for you to be able to endure it."

I have thought a good bit about this scripture with the past week that we had here in loo-loo land. Carter did not do well at all. Coming off of one med that did not work well for him or with him and going on to a new one while having a change in his normal routine by being on spring break equaled many trials for the rest of us. He was irritable and aggressive. He constantly broke up what others were playing. Evan WWF'd him several times regarding the Thomas trains. I feel like I need a black and white vertical striped shirt, a whistle and a hat that says "referee".

Maylene went to day camp and did okay there. She started Wednesday morning with screaming and grumping about getting ready. That night she had a huge rage about dinner. She physically assaulted Nan and was very violent. Dad came home just in time and was able to take over. She raged two more times over the next few days. They were all really bad. She and Carter have gone to coordinating tantrums and rage fits. It is absolute mayhem. It is distressing to deal with it obviously but more than that it is distressing to see our children in this debilitated state of mind and to know the effect it is having on our "healthy" children.

I spoke with our loyal psychiatrist twice during the week. So much for his spring break. He adjusted the dosing on Carter's med. He now takes it twice a day. He had no tantrum on Sunday, which is good news. As for Maylene we have been charting her behavior and have seen what appears to be a cycle. This behavior is falling in line with the pattern of the down cycle. So we are riding it out for a few more days and using some PRN meds to get through it, in the hopes that she will level out again.

The pictures on the previous post are really cute, if I do say so. And yes they were all bribed (given incentives) in the form of treats.


jessica bear said...

I'm sorry about your spring break...breaking a routine is so difficult with children in general (Kylie was the tasmanian devil these past few days-more tantrums than I can even remember!) I know you have been going through the wringer...wish I could help...but know this-this too shall pass...that's what helps me get through sometimes (and seeing them sleeping so peacefully at the end of the day!)

Mom 4 Kids said...

I hear ya girl!