The Crew - Miss Fabulous, Lil Bro, Big Sis and Mr. Man

Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me Monday ... and Not My Kids

It is that time again, not me Monday created by MckMama as a therapeutic outlet to NOT talk about our short comings.

This past week at the zoo my littlest son certainly did not grab the BIRD SEED stick to feed the BIRDS with and TRY IT! My MIL did NOT panic and demand ingredients of said bird seed stick from the sheepish bird keepers. I did NOT say while running in the other direction, "No time, we have to make the train because we already paid for it and it pulls out in 2 minutes!" I did NOT follow this comment with "He has eaten worse!"

My 6 year old son did NOT ask a specific question about a specific body part in the Wal-Mart restroom. The entire Wal-Mart restroom did NOT go silent and wait for my response. My response? "Good question buddy, we will talk about that in the van." Did the cleaning lady hold her snicker in until we exited the restroom? Despite her very best efforts, no.

During a rage tantrum my 6 year old daughter did NOT say to her father as he pretended to look at his watch, "How dare you! You are not even wearing a watch!" I was NOT thinking the exact same thing!

I hope you were able to find some humor in even the unfunny parts of your week too!

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