The Crew - Miss Fabulous, Lil Bro, Big Sis and Mr. Man

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


It is a good thing that I am not superstitious because if I were I think my last bite of cereal doing this...

would not be a prediction of good things to come. What is going on here? Honestly I went to put that last bite in my mouth and saw this looking up at me.


Last night during my time with Big Sis after the little kids had gone to bed she brought out her "treasures" (her word people) from her stay at Grandma's house. When they would go for walks down by the river Big Sis would find and save these treasures.

It was precious. These smooth seashells and bottle caps told a story to her and her imagination went wild with where and whom they had come from. In the process of becoming a grown up we loose that and just start to see junk. Thanks to Big Sis for remembering that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and her sweet heart lets her see beauty anywhere. Even in bottle caps down by the river.

1 comment:

jessica bear said...

Love that you actually stopped and took a picture of the cereal bowl! That's a keeper!

We really missed having Viv here this weekend - I wish things would have worked out...but life is always an adventure with our two families, isn't it? We gotta make it work soon, though! Miss you guys!!!