The Crew - Miss Fabulous, Lil Bro, Big Sis and Mr. Man

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday 11-13-08

Things are going well. No rage for M, go meds! We are still working toward intervention services. Budget cuts in the county have made it really difficult but we continue working on it. The Brevard CARES coordinator is really supportive and looking toward all his options.

M continues to enjoy her time at after care. She said that she cried for Mama yesterday when a girl pushed her to hard on the tire swing. She really panics on the tire swing. It wasn't bad enough that they called me so that is reassuring to know they are able to comfort her. We really have a nice routine going. Nan picks her up from after care and then we all have dinner, then baths and a video before bed.

V, C and E are all more calm in the afternoon. It is amazing what all I have been able to accomplish this week. I finally got Carter in to get fitted for his new glasses. He got the prescription back in late August.

V is struggling with anxiety issues - nightmares, fears about something happening to Mom and Dad, trouble sleeping, big emotional outburst. I am hoping she will continue to settle down with our new routine. We will probably go and speak with her doctor and see what her recommendations are.

E will not wear clothes. He is knee deep in to potty training, insisting on wearing underwear even when we are out and about. He is constantly stripping and leaving on only his socks? Not sure what that is all about. He is so persistent that I had to put a onesie on him backwards so he could not reach the snaps. If nothing else we are entertaining here.

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