The Crew - Miss Fabulous, Lil Bro, Big Sis and Mr. Man

Friday, May 29, 2009

Day 6 and Mama's going to Disney World!!!

Day 6 with Magic Med back - Thumbs up! Miss M was up early this morning and on her way to Grandma's for a visit through Monday. She was thrilled, happy demeanor, no hang ups with hair brushing (which we cut last night with no problems :-0).

When we had her really stable before she went 7 weeks with no rages so here is hoping!

Viv and Dad are on the road headed for their first camping trip together.

And Mama, Nanny and the Boys are going to DISNEY WORLD!!!

The opportunity came to us to get tickets for $40 a piece and we are taking it! Miss M has never been to Disney and I so badly want to take her. My goal is to be able to take her before she goes back to school. If stability hangs on we just may make it. I just don't want my Mommy emotions to rule the decision and make a choice that she can't handle and have go down in flames.

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