The Crew - Miss Fabulous, Lil Bro, Big Sis and Mr. Man

Monday, April 19, 2010

Braving the Drizzle

We had a relatively normal weekend. Hooray for us!

We had our appointment with Dr. Psychiatrist on Friday, he adjusted Miss M’s meds slightly elevating one med. She has grown a bit since being on this med regiment for the past 10 months.
Miss was very RADtastic this weekend bringing out all of her passive aggressive Chinese water torture drip drop drip drop Lord give my strength behaviors. But she never raged or even tantrumed so we just keep on keeping on.

She is in that mode where she isn’t much fun to play with if you are another kid. She is having a real hard time making the right choice right now, and is having lots of perceptual problems as to what is really going on with sibling interactions. It seemed like a lot of attention seeking in the form of attempting to get the other child in trouble. She did not go about it all that swiftly however since the adult was present (in the same vicinity) and clearly observed the goings on and the fiction as well. But there was nothing earth shattering and she did not blow up even when she was over reacting so … that’s progress, again.

Mr. did well overall but did fail to earn one Wii time for becoming aggressive. He and Miss do not want to feel that they are being denied access to Mom but I do have to go to the potty at times and Nan is completely with in her rights to say, “No you will not go in there while Mom is in the potty.” But he got the train back on the tracks and did great otherwise.

Lil Bro got a fat lip at the park. He was running up the slide and lost his footing and BAM! busted his lip. Thankfully we know someone that lives right next to the park and so we ran over there for some ice in a baggy. The lip was bleeding significantly, as they tend to do, but a baggy of ice and a pop cycle later we all were able to move on.

Since that wasn’t enough excitement we decided to take the crew to the beach for the afternoon and since we are the Loo Loo’s and yes Smokey the bear died the night before the day I (as a toddler) was supposed to get to see him, it rained. It was a drizzle kind of annoying rain and so we went to the beach anyway because once we set these ‘no likey change’ kids in motion it is not a good idea to change the plan if at all possible.

Here are some pics from the day, pardon the occasional fuzzy spot on the pics they are rain drops.
Here I am braving the drizzle.

Longing to be out there with Dad surfing.

The smile is not reaching her eyes today.

Nan keeping watch.

Silly boys! 

Beach Bums 2010


GB's Mom said...

Sounds like a good weekend and a great day at the beach!

Tara - SanitySrchr said...

What's that old addage?? A bad day at the beach (drizzle) is better than a good day at work?? The drizzle also makes it nice because you have NO crowd!!! :)

jessica bear said...

LOVE the beach bums shot!

Jeri said...

I see what you mean about her smile not making it to her eyes...looked over at the sidebar pics, what a difference. Looks like Mr.C was in a huggy mood, that's so sweet to see how many happy huggers you have in your family. Kudos to Big Sis for setting that example. Poor little mr. a busted lip reminds you its injured every time you eat or smile, tanks. Thank God for popsicles. Glad you guys had a good time at the beach.

Mama Drama Times Two said...

What beautiful pics! The ocean has been too cold for our gang...Yours are much braver!!!!!!